Cerule PlasmaFlo

Cerule PlasmaFlo
The human body’s ability to renew itself is remarkable. Proper blood circulation at the capillary level is essential to ensure appropriate delivery of nutrients, oxygen, and cells to the body to assist daily renewal. Capillaries make up the vast majority of the total surface area of all blood vessels, extending into every region of the body, where they serve as points of exchange between the blood and surrounding tissue. The body’s natural ability to deliver nutrients, oxygen and cells is dependent on the health and integrity of capillary function.*
PlasmaFlo is an exclusive formula containing a proprietary blend of potent proteolytic and fibrinolytic enzymes, exotic plant extracts and powerful antioxidants.*
PlasmaFlo is formulated to support and improve the delivery of adult stem cells and nutrients throughout the body for optimum self-renewal.*
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.